Monday, October 5, 2009

Nearing Completion

The past couple of weeks at work have been a winding down, of sorts. We've gotten to the point in the job where most of the work is completed and people are being transferred to new sites. All of the electrical closets have been built, all of the big pipe in the penthouse is run, and we're really just finishing up little projects that have been missed.

At this point in the job I don't have a steady mechanic to work with as I have had throughout most of my time on this site. I've been bouncing around helping guys who need a hand pulling wire, hanging lights, wiring controls for the generators, etc. Work has a different feel to it. On the one hand, I'm glad for the variety of projects I'm getting involved in; on the other hand, I miss being able to work steady -- start to finish -- on a particular task.

As I've said, I've been at this particular site since October of last year. We're coming up on one year exactly within the next week or two. The change that you can see in the building is extraordinary. When I first arrived, demolition was just still being completed and pieces of the new switchgear were still arriving every week. It was a mess, and it was hard to envision what the final product was supposed to look like. Now, we're doing finish work and hanging chandeliers over beautiful marble floors. The difference is amazing. It's extraordinarily fulfilling to see how everyone's hard work has translated into such a great looking building!

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