Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back Into the Swing of Things

Fall classes started for me yesterday at the hall.  Over the course of the summer when night-school classes are not in session, I really forgot what it was like to be in school.  It's a little bit tricky for me to get out there by 5:00 p.m. and have much time to take a break after work (my job lets out at 3:30 p.m.), and I suppose it can be a little bit daunting to think about sitting in air-conditioning and comfortable chairs after working hard all day (and not start to nod-off!), but I really enjoy the nights I have class.

I realized last night that you forget how big the union really is and how many friends and acquaintances you've made during the course of your time in the apprenticeship.  I ran into so many people last night that I knew from day-school and other jobs that I didn't even get a chance to say hello to everybody.  It's great knowing that your network and co-workers are a much larger group than the people that you happen to see every day.  It's refreshing.

What's more, my class was loaded with mechanics whom I've never seen before.  That's an awesome thing to see.  None of these men and women are required to be present, and nevertheless there they all are, taking time out of their evenings and paying close attention.  It's just remarkably interesting to me.  These people have been out in the field working for longer than we apprentices have, seeing all sorts of work and situations, and they've come back looking for something in class.  For some reason, it makes me sit up straighter in my seat.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post! I think the student perspective is so unique to this industry! I am the Marketing Manager for electrical textbooks, references, and study guides at Jones and Bartlett ( and am interested in linking your blog to our newly started trades blog ( This will hopefully drive traffic to both of our sites. Please shoot me an email if you're interested.
